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Everyone wants to make money online, people often create a website, even promote it, then wonder - why there is still no money in wallet ?

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May 29, 2009

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May 28, 2009

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Harpreet Arora has been contributing to online business since years and has been successful with internet and affiliate marketing, working on several articles to help people earn income online. Discover numerous tips on business and ways to succeed.
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Copyright © Push Button Income

May 22, 2009

Can You do business from SPACE ?

Don't Guess ... See for yourself on USATODAY.com - Astronaut using Twitter from SPACE to 'tweet' followers on Earth. :)


Harpreet Arora has been contributing to online business since years and has been successful with internet and affiliate marketing, working on several articles to help people earn income online. Discover numerous tips on business and ways to succeed.
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Copyright © Push Button Income

May 6, 2009

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----- About the Author -----

Harpreet Arora has been contributing to online business since years and has been

successful with internet and affiliate marketing, working on several articles to help

people earn income online. Discover numerous tips on business and ways to succeed.


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May 2, 2009

Sure-Fire Email Joint Venture Proposal

The Golden Checklist For Sure-fire Email Joint Venture Proposal
(c) 2004 June Yeap

If you're doing any joint venture, you'll want to have this list at your side.
Go through this checklist carefully before you send out your joint venture proposal.

You may want to cut and paste this into your favorite word processor so that you can use the checklist often. Each time you send out a proposal, put a check beside the items you've completed.

Once you've checked all of the items, you can be very sure that your joint venture partners will be very impressed. After all, you've done your homework.

These are all the ingredients 'pro’s' use when writing joint venture proposals:

[ ] Is your email personalized?

Know to whom you're sending your email. Address them with their first name if possible. If you can't find their name on the webpage, you can always do a WHOIS look-up at http://www.whois.org.

[ ] Did you introduce yourself in your email?

This may sound like a common sense but I'm surprised to receive many JV proposals that do not mention who they are except in the 'from' field of their email and a signature line. Take a few minutes to tell them about yourself.

Introducing yourself proves to others that you're confident of yourself and are proud of what you're doing. It doesn't have to be lengthy. Just say 'Hi, my name is _______ and I run this site at http://______ called _________.'
Then, in a sentence or two describe what the benefits are of your site or product.

[ ] Did you include any positive comments?

The truth is, people like to be complimented, so don’t be afraid to use positive comments. All of us like it when others to notice our hard work.

Make an effort to say something good about your prospective partner.
Take time to really look at their site and make a note of the nice things you see. For example, tell them you've seen their articles published in 'ABC ezine' several times. It'll help make a good first impression.

[ ] Did you include any references or testimonials?
This is a secret trick to increase the response rate of your email. Even though you should have those testimonials displayed on your website, it doesn't hurt to include them again in your email for them.
Let the testimonials convey the quality of your products for you. These will work much better for than going into detail about how your product is powerful or better than others that they might have seen.

[ ] Did you tell them SPECIFICALLY what benefits they'll get from joint venturing with you?

People only care for themselves. If you want them to say 'yes' to your offer, they must be made to feel as if they are the one who's getting the better end of the deal. Stake up benefit after benefit in your email proposal. Put them into bullets for easier reading.
Remember, however obvious the benefits might seem, always put them into writing for your JV partners. Do the thinking for them.

[ ] Did you include a free sample?

Always try to include a free preview or free sample of your products. At the very least, give them a website they can go to for more details.
People like to be able to control their own destiny. Give them every helping hand YOU feel comfortable with and, chances are, they will respond to your proposal with a resounding 'YES!'.

[ ] Do you have a website ready?

Having a webpage up first for your website also indicates that you are serious about your project. Show them that you've already put in some work into your project.
Don’t know HTML? Not a problem, go to Google.com and type in 'free WYSIWYG HTML Editor' and see what comes up. Download one and off you go. Then, get yourself a good domain name and start putting up a webpage that says something about your project.

[ ] Does your email include a call to action?

Do not make the mistake of telling your prospective partner all about your JV deal but forget to tell them what they should do next. Should they reply and say 'Yes, count me in!' or should they email you back with their phone number and the best time to call?
Tell them specifically what they should do next. Give them very clear instructions. Always remember to make it easy for them to say yes to your proposal.

[ ] Is your email formatted properly?

Your email should look professional and presentable. Do not make the mistake of letting your writing run across the screen without being wrapped. This is something that will easily turn people off, especially when you start playing in the 'big leagues'.
Use a good email formatter and set it to wrap at 60 characters. You may also want to do it manually by hitting 'enter' each time the line reaches 60 characters.

[ ] Do you have a good subject line that makes your JV partners RUSH to open your email?

A good subject line can make or break your proposal. Keep in mind that your partners probably have to wade through thousands of spam emails in order to see yours.

Make your subject line stand out.
Put their name in the subject line to catch their attention. Make your subject line straight forward, simple and neat. For example, 'Hi ___, Joint Venture.'

There you go. Armed with these reminders, you'll be well on your way to successful joint venturing.

Good luck and best wishes!
June Yeap is the creator of Instant eBiz Saver Discount Vault who helps e-biz owners boost their web profits through amazing discounts and cost cutter deals. Find out how this hidden goldmine of discount offers can SAVE you money right away!

About the Author
Harpreet Arora has been contributing to online business since years and has been successful with internet and affiliate marketing, working on several articles to help people earn income online. Discover numerous tips on business and ways to succeed.
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How To Double Online Income In 72 Hours At No Cost

Would you like to know how to double your online INCOME in just 72 hours at no additional cost?
If you wouldn't, I can't understand why... especially since it's so easy.

Here's how you literally DOUBLE the income generated from your websites and emails in 72 hours. Revise your ad copy. It really is that simple. If you're getting even a trickling of visitors or subscribers, and you can increase your conversion rates by 3-5%, then you can often literally DOULBLE your bottom line.

You will often see the results of these changes...if you track them closely... in as little a 72 hours.

You've heard a hundred times that the headline is the single most important element in your copy. The reason is... because if the headline doesn't grab them and pull them in, you can't communicate with them. That includes the headlines for you emails which is really the subject line.

How do you come up with headlines that grab your readers and pull them further into the page. You talk about specific benefits (derived from product features) that THEY care about. You tell them how to avoid pain and increase pleasure using your products.

But how do you know what specific benefits they care about?  Your customers tell you!
 - They tell you in the testimonials that they send you.
 - They tell you in the questions they ask about the product.
 - They tell you in the testimonials they provide your competitors.
 - They tell you in the discussions that they have in online forums andc discussion lists.
 - They tell you in the feedback that they provide you through your feedback forms. You do ask for feedback after making a sale don't you?

Some people even ask for feedback when they don't make a sale. There's software mentioned in the free report I'll tell you about later that automates this feedback collection process.

All you really have to do is listen... and emphasize those things they are telling you that they care about ... in your copy. It really is that simple.

One way to do this is to make a list of all of your products features. Then translate those features into benefits.
How will each feature make your prospects' lives better? Use these facts, to generate as many benefits filled headlines as you can.

Next you begin testing to see which headline works best for you. Begin with the headlines that incorporate the things they've already told you that they care about. I'd begin with the benefit that was mentioned most often in the feedback.

Monitor the different results you get from each headline. Split-testing software is probably the best way to do this. If you have enough traffic, you will often see a big difference in only 2-3 days. If you don't have sufficient traffic, it will take a little long, or you can boost your traffic using a pay per clicks campaign.

You hear over... and over... and over again, test different headlines. Yet very few people do it. If you're not exactly sure how to monitor changes in conversion rates that your different headlines make, grab a complimentary copy of a 30 page report on the topic from me at: http://www.TheRealSecrets.com/thebook/headlines.html

It explains things very clearly. This report is an introductory version of a larger book on the topic.

Probably the most important thing that you can do today is spend a few hours working on your headlines. It literally can increase your bottom line by as much as 1000%. It's one of those things that YOU know that you need to do. If you don't constantly test new headlines, your marketing results most likely will not improve.

Get started now. I'm going to :-)
Willie Crawford has been teaching others how to build an on-line business since late 1996. Frequently featured in radio, magazine and newspaper articles and interviews, Willie teaches the average guy what the top marketers are doing but seldom talking about. For example, Willie demonstrates the power of automated residual income through his system at:
Discover the secret now!
Harpreet Arora has been contributing to online business since years and has been successful with internet and affiliate marketing, working on several articles to earn income online. Discover numerous tips on business and ways to succeed online at:
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